
Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 regulates the frequency of official controls on imports of certain foodstuffs into the EU. With the current amending Regulation (EU) 2024/1662 by 06/11/24 various adjustments to the control plan were published, which apply from 02/07/24.


Here is a selection of the current risk profile-based, regular import checks. It can serve as a suggestion for adapting internal inspection plans.

We have limited ourselves to what we consider to be the most important imported goods and countries of origin. In addition to fruit and vegetables, other product groups that may be of interest to our customers are also taken into account.


Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 lists the foodstuffs (and animal feed) that are subject to increased official routine controls. Annex II lists the products subject to emergency measures outside the routine checks. The annexes are reviewed every 6 months and amended if necessary. Ultimately, they reflect the experience gained from the alerts in the RASFF system with a time lag.


New entries (Annex I):


KN Code

Country of origin

Reason /frequency

Aubergines , eggplants

ex 0709 30 00

Burkina Faso

Pesticides / 20 % (new)


Extension of the scope of the inspection and/or change in the inspection frequency Annex I)


KN Code

Country of origin

Reason /frequency


0802 21 00
0802 22 00


Pesticides / 20%

Spice mixes

0910 91 10

0910 91 90


Aflatoxins / 30%


0805 40 00


Pesticides / 20%

Betel leaves

ex 1404 90 00 (11)


Salmonella / 30%

Drumsticks (Moringa oleifera)

ex 0709 99 90

ex 0710 80 95


Pesticides / 30%


Changes in Annex II
(Import only with official certificate with the analysis results)


KN Code

Country of origin

Reason /frequency

Gotu Kola

ex 1211 90 86

Sri Lanka

Pesticides / 50% (new)

Peppers of the genus Capsicum (other than sweet)

ex 0709 60 99
ex 0710 80 59


Pesticides / 50% (new)

Pepper of the genus Piper; dried or crushed or ground fruit of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta



Aflatoxins / 30%

Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices



Aflatoxins / 30%

Dried figs Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing figs, prepared or preserved, including mixtures

0804 20 90
und weitere


Aflatoxins / 20%

Pistachios, in shell

Pistachios, shelled
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios:

0802 51 00
0802 52 00

ex 0813 50 39

ex 0813 50 91


Aflatoxins / 20%

Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms



Ethylene oxide/
2-Chloroethanol / 30%

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)

0908 11 00

0908 12 00


Aflatoxins / 50%


1207 40 90

ex 2008 19 19

ex 2008 19 99


Salmonella / 30%

Pitahaya (dragon fruit)

ex 0810 90 20


Pesticides / 30%

Pistachios, in shell

Pistachios, shelled
Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits containing pistachios

0802 51 00
0802 52 00

ex 0813 50 39

ex 0813 50 91


Aflatoxins / 30%

We have omitted the numerous footnote citations and the list of deletions from Annex 1 and shifts from Annex 2 to Annex 1 of the regulation here and refer to the original texts that we have linked.


Link: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/1662 of 11 June 2024


Author: Dr. Frank Mörsberger