Our Competence

I.M.U. GmbH, an independent chemical laboratory based in Klosterneuburg, is accredited to EN ISO 17025, SCC-certified, and has an inspection body accredited to EN ISO 17020. With over thirty years of experience, we pride ourselves on our expertise in fuels and combustibles, as well as alternative fuels.



Black Sludge Formation and Emergency Generators

Storing petroleum products is critical because tanks are open systems and these products are subject to aging. This leads to the formation of black sludge (microbiological infestation, known as "diesel plague") or condensation. Emergency generators are particularly problematic since the fuel is often stored for several years. Therefore, we recommend an annual inspection of your storage tank


Alternative Raw Materials in the Fuel Sector

In addition to fossil crude oil products, more alternative raw materials are entering the fuel sector:

  • HVO (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil)
  • Pyrolysis oils
  • Vegetable oils, fats, used cooking oils, or other oils produced as "waste," such as tall oil.


We also analyze alternative raw materials. Please contact us.


Accredited Sampling at Filling Stations

We perform fuel sampling at filling stations as part of quality controls (accredited sampling in accordance with EN ISO 3170).


Further Services

Investigation of Technical Damage

We assist experts and insurance companies with our fuel expertise.

Simple Sampling & Logistics

We arrange for personal collection or use a forwarding agent to carry out necessary analyses on short notice.


Our Analysis Services

Gasolines According to EN 228

Gasolines are a mix of various hydrocarbons with boiling ranges between 30 and 210°C, which may include oxygenated compounds like alcohols and ethers.

Diesel Fuels According to EN 590

Diesel fuels are a blend of different hydrocarbons with boiling ranges between 180 and 360°C. In Austria, the biodiesel content is capped at 7%.

HVO According to EN 15940

HVO (Hydrogenated or Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) are hydrocarbons produced through the catalytic hydrogenation of vegetable oils.

Ethanol According to EN 15376

Ethanol is used as a blending component for gasoline.

Biodiesel (FAME) According to EN 14214

Biodiesel, or fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), is made by transesterifying vegetable oils or animal fats, including used cooking oils.

Heating Oil Extra Light (HEL) According to ÖNORM C 1109

HEL is a hydrocarbon mixture with boiling ranges between 180 and 360°C. In Austria, it must be dyed red and include an additional marker.

Residual Fuel Oils According to ÖNORM C 1108

Residual fuel oils (light and heavy heating oil) are hydrocarbon blends containing fractions from the vacuum distillation of crude oils.

NOX Reducing Agents According to ISO 22241-1

These are aqueous urea solutions used to reduce nitrogen emissions, such as AdBlue.

Pyrolysis Oils

Pyrolysis oils are boiling fractions derived from the thermal decomposition of materials like plastics or wood.


Glycerine is a byproduct of biodiesel production.