On 31 December 2023, some changes came into force for the calculation of the Nutri-Score classification for certain foods.


The Nutri-Score algorithm, which is used for the voluntary traffic light labelling of foods on the basis of nutritional physiology, is regularly revised by an independent panel of experts from the participating member states.


A significant improvement in the revision concerns the differentiation between different types of meat. In future, a distinction will be made between "red meat" and other types of meat. Red meat" includes beef, veal, pork and lamb, but also game, horse, donkey, goat, camel, kangaroo and ostrich meat.


The new calculation formula is to be applied to fresh meat, seasoned and cooked meat, meat products and sausages if the proportion of "red meat" is >= 20%.  The new formula does not apply to mixed or ready meals that contain vegetables or starchy ingredients in addition to meat products (category 9 of the WHO Europe nutrient profile model )


The updated Nutri-Score algorithm has further changes compared to the previous algorithm. The sugar and salt content is included in the calculation with a different weighting. The weighting of the fibre content has also been adjusted. Further improvements have been made to the assessment of wholemeal bread, vegetable oils, dairy products and sweeteners in order to reflect the nutritional properties in a more differentiated way.


Nuts and oily seeds will be treated as fats in future. Devaluations relating to a high salt content will no longer be based on the sodium content. The addition of sweeteners will now lead to points being deducted. Milk, drinking yoghurt and mixed milk drinks are now included in the beverage category - regardless of their milk content.


For products already classified in the Nutri-Score, a transitional period of two years applies until the classification according to the new algorithm is required by the licence holders. This may mean that one and the same product on the market may have different Nutri-Score classifications depending on when it was manufactured and even if its composition remains unchanged. However, products already on the market may continue to be sold indefinitely.


The following link will take you directly to the new calculation table


YOUR PLUS: Rely on the food experts at the AGROLAB GROUP laboratories. We determine the nutritional profiles, check the correct labelling and, on request, also calculate the Nutri-Score according to the current calculation basis.


Author: Dr Frank Mörsberger