Dioxin-Struktur Tafel

The revision extends existing maximum levels to further animal foodstuffs that were not previously listed in the Regulation.


The maximum levels for dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs for sheep meat are now also applied to goat meat. New meat species such as horse, rabbit, wild boar and venison and wild game birds have been added, as well as limits for the livers of these animals. The existing limits for hens' eggs and egg products are extended to eggs of other poultry species, with the exception of goose eggs. The maximum levels for dioxins in raw milk and milk products, including butterfat, have been reduced.

The restriction that the maximum levels for crabs and "crab-like crustaceans" only apply to the muscle meat of the extremities was deleted.


Regulation (EU) 2022/2002 enters into force on 13 November 2022 and applies from 1 January 2023. Products that do not comply with the new maximum levels may be used until the end of their shelf life.


YOUR PLUS: The AGROLAB laboratories are European leaders in dioxin analysis in terms of reliability of results, speed and also measurement capacity. We work exclusively according to the European reference methods at all locations and do not carry out rapid tests on a bioassay basis


Author: Dr. Frank Mörsberger