
The maximum levels for perchlorate are now set by Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/685 of 20 May 2020 under the European Contaminants Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006.


For fruit and vegetables, tea and herbal teas and in certain baby foods, perchlorate is now subject to mandatory maximum levels from 1.7.2020, with transitional arrangements for goods already lawfully placed on the market until the respective expiry dates. We would like to point out that with the new regulation becoming valid, the previous "intra union trade levels" can no longer be applied.

The food laboratories of the AGROLAB GROUP carry out these analyses for you and evaluate the results according to the respective valid regulation.


Section 9: Perchlorate


Foodstuff Maximum level
9. Perchlorate  
9.1. Fruits and vegetables with the exception of:
- cucurbitaceae and kale
- leaf vegetables and herbs
9.2. Tea (Camellia sinensis), dried
Herbal and fruit infusions, dried
9.3. Infant formula, follow on formula, foods for special medical purposes intended for
infants and young children and young child formula (*)

- Babyfood
- Processed ceveal based food

(*) young child formula are milk-based drinks and similar protein-based products intended for young children. These products
are outside the scope of Regulation (EU) No 609/2013 (Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on young child formulae (COM/2016/0169 final)


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Autor: Dr. Frank Mörsberger