Olive oil

Yes it happened again! Acc. to an actual test report by the German Consumer protection association  “Stiftung Warentest” on olive oils showed an alerting presence of MOSH/MOAH  even in oils from organic production. The aromatic fraction of the mineral oil contamination (MOAH) was reported in 6 out of 26 samples.


„Foodwatch“ activists requested the immediate withdrawal of the products from the market.


Also contamination by MOSH was found according to this study even in each of the 26 samples tested. Long chain mineral hydrocarbons, if incorporated, may stay for a lifetime in the body fat depots. Therefore even small amounts taken up with food or through skin will cumulate and may lead to adverse effects after years.


Still no maximum limits for MOSH and MOAH exist on the European legislation level.


However, the German public health authoriy proposed preliminary maximum levels for food:


  • MOSH (mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons) – 2 mg/kg
  • MOAH (mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons) – 0,5 mg/kg


The analysis of MOSH and MOAH fractions is performed by online coupled liquid chromatography and gas chromatography. Separation and clean-up are done by normal phase HPLC, after which the quantification is done by GC using a flame ionisation detector. Within the AGROLABGROUP the analysis performed centrally for vegetable oils and fats by our specialised lab in Rotterdam, AGROLAB Dr. A. Verwey.


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