In the digital event, innovations in the field of QS residue monitoring were discussed. The presentations dealt with the design of the examination packages or about the bromide determination in plant foods.
Traditionally, the laboratory managers' meeting of the QS-recognised laboratories in fruit and vegetable residue monitoring takes place at the beginning of the "Fruit Logistica" in Berlin.
But this year, of course, everything is different due to the pandemic. Virtual events also have positive sides. Although the important personal encounters and collegial discussions on the sidelines were missing, there were significantly more participants this year. AGROLAB was also represented this time with four colleagues from LUFA in Kiel and our laboratory manager Giulio Lora from AGROLAB Italy.
Topics of the QS laboratory managers meeting
During the laboratory managers' meeting, innovations in the area of QS residue monitoring were addressed and current topics in the residue analysis of fruit and vegetables were discussed. The participants also enjoyed the lectures given by the speakers. Dr. Lutz Alder talked about prioritisation in the design of testing packages. After all, it is no secret, that the full scope of all MRLs regulated in the EU can neither be mapped in an analytically meaningful nor economically justifiable way in the packages, and therefore risk-based and technically feasible compromise solutions have to be found. Andreas Hentschel, chairman of the GdCH Pesticides Working Group, summarised the results of the 13th European Pesticide Residue Workshop (EPRW) of May 2020 for the participants. Three esteemed colleagues gave joint presentations on the topic of bromide determination in plant foods: Dr Hermann Unterluggauer (AGES-Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety), Dr Andreas Schürmann (Kantonales Labor Zürich) and Dr Günther Kempe (Consultant for Residue Analysis of Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines).
After the successful virtual meeting, it would be well worth considering maintaining this format even after the Corona restrictions have been overcome. Our suggestion to the QS organisers, to whom we would like to express our appreciation, is, to combine future face-to-face meetings with the option of alternative virtual participation.
YOUR PLUS: A well-functioning international network and the regular exchange of pesticide experts from the AGROLAB GROUP with each other and with colleagues from other laboratories ensures professional consensus on tricky issues and creates trust in the analytical competence of the "QS laboratories".
Author: Dr. Frank Mörsberger